
Welcome to Denton Classical Academy's blog page. Around this site you will be able to find our upcoming PTO Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes from our previous meetings, PTO Calendar, important school links, Teacher/Staff Spotlights and more. All you need to do is signup with your email next to the Follow By Email portion below.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Agenda for meeting to be held on 9/1/16

            Denton Classical Academy
PTO Meeting
Meeting Date:   September 1, 2016
Meeting Location: Denton Classical Academy

1. Call to Order- Name and time

2. Welcome and introduction of Officers and any teachers present- Shantel

2. Minutes: Review of minutes from mm/dd/yy meeting 

3.  Vote on open Officers positions which include Treasurer, Communications Officers, and Volunteer Coordinator. 

Update Previous Business-

Finance Report-

Ways to communicate with the PTO:  Denton Classical Academy PTO Facebook, DentonClassicalPTO.blogspot.com, School and PTO Calendar available through Google Docs soon, Remind Text messages from the PTO, Sign-up Genius, and email at dentonclassicalpto@gmail.com

The KING’S Men-

After School Clubs available-

4. New Business 
Stamp for checks-

Fun Run- details and sign up.

Fun Food Friday- dates and details

Volunteer positions still needed-

Proposed fundraisers and calendar- brief description, discussion, then vote.

The PTO Officers are working on establishing our Bylaws to be voted on the next meeting.

6. Officers’ Reports:
President’s Report-
Vice President’s Report- 

7. Director’s Report- Mrs. Thomas

8. Announcements- upcoming PTO meetings for the year.
-All parents present at PTO meetings have earned their child(ren) a free dress day the following Friday (Sept. 2nd)

9. Adjournment 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016


Welcome to Denton Classical Academy's brand new blog page. 
Around this site you will be able to find our minutes from our meetings as well as minutes from our board member meetings. There will be lots of new information on upcoming events around Denton Classical, and highlights of how you can help and be involved in supporting our amazing school. 

This year we have lots of events coming up. Look out for those dates for Fun Food Friday, the Fun run, Kindergarten fundraiser, Popcorn days, Book fairs, Spirit week and many other exciting events. Dates will not only be communicated here, but also though our subscriber emails, on our Facebook page and reminders sent home in folders with your student. 

There are 2 primary ways to contact the PTO with your questions, concerns and suggestions. 

By email: dentonclassicalpto@gmail.com
On facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VistaDentonPTO/?fref=ts

Thanks for stopping in!