
Welcome to Denton Classical Academy's blog page. Around this site you will be able to find our upcoming PTO Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes from our previous meetings, PTO Calendar, important school links, Teacher/Staff Spotlights and more. All you need to do is signup with your email next to the Follow By Email portion below.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

November Coach's Corner

Coach’s Corner
Welcome to Coach’s Corner. This newsletter is just a way for me to keep you informed about what your child or children will be doing in PE and Gardening for the next month.

For the month of October we have been working on soccer. We started with the basics of dribbling, focusing on baby taps, kicking the ball lightly with your foot lightly to keep it right in front of you and not lose control of it. Then we went to work on passing. When passing we tried to focus on accuracy and control, not kicking it as hard as we can and in any direction. Last we put it all together and played full soccer games. Each class has done a great job. I could not be more proud of the effort every student has shown me this past month.

For November we will play basketball. The older grades will use the large basketball hoop while the younger students will use my two smaller goals that just came in. We will use the same strategy we used with soccer. Dribbling, passing, shooting, and then full game.

Running club is moving right along. We have quite a few sessions and we have 4 students who has gone over 100 laps. Every 10 laps is 1 mile just to put that into perspective for you.

The gardens are up and growing. We should have squash and zucchini ready to pick the first week of November. We also had a mystery plant growing in one of the garden beds that we allowed to continue to grow. It turns out that they are Tomatillos. Sometimes seeds can get transplanted from one area to another by animals or the wind blowing the seeds around. Either one could have happened here. Also we have two vines or watermelon growing which should be ready to pick before Thanksgiving break.
                Denton Classical Academy
General PTO Meeting Agenda
Meeting Date: 11-3-16
Meeting Location: Denton Classical Academy

1. Call to Order- Name and time

2. Minutes: Review of minutes from mm/dd/yy meeting

3. Update Previous Business-
- Fun Food Friday, tomorrow, Nov 4th, for those that have placed an order.

- Glow Fun update-

-Nov. 17th School-wide Thanksgiving Lunch

4. New Business
- PTO bylaws

- Canes Family Night

- Coffee in the Carline 

-Free Dress Fundraiser on Jan. 6th for $5. 

-Family Bingo Night- date TBD

- World’s Finest Chocolates Fundraiser

-Spring Book Fair will be April 3rd-7th.

5.   Officers’ Reports:
President’s Report-
Vice President’s Report-
Treasurer’s Report-

6.  Director’s Report-

7. Announcements – The next PTO meeting is scheduled for Feb. 2nd.

8. Adjournment

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

PTO Proposed Bylaws

The following link are the proposed bylaws that will be voted on during the PTO Meeting on Nov. 3rd.  Please review ahead of time.


October 2016 Budget Report

The following is the PTO Budget Report for October 2016.  It is divided up into 3 portions.  The Checking account is used for most of our transactions.  The Savings account is used for our Activity Funds events (classroom parties, field trips, etc.).  The third portion is related to our cash exchanges.


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

PTO Meeting Minutes 9-1-16

PTO Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date:  September 1, 2016
Meeting Location: Denton Classical Academy

1. Call to Order- Cheryl called to order 6:02pm

2. Welcome and introduction of Officers and any teachers present- Shantel
Teachers present included Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. Crider, and Mrs Wilson.
There were 30 parents signed in with about 23 kids in childcare.

2. Minutes:  Please see PTO minutes for last meeting on 5-3-16 posted on PTO Blog.

3.  Vote on open Officers positions: including Treasurer, Communications Officers, and Volunteer Coordinator.
Cheryl nominated Kelly Eichelberger for Treasurer, voted in agreement.
Cheryl nominated Samantha Phan, voted in agreement.
Angie nominated Tami Wagner as Volunteer Coordinator, voted in agreement.
Kelly Eichelberger will assume all treasurer responsibilities immediately and will be added to the PTO bank account asap to have access to PTO funds. Interim Treasurer, Durrae Butler is to be removed frm the DATCU account at this time.

4.  Update Previous Business:
Finance Report-  Last year’s purchases and this year’s wish list- Mrs. Thomas  Listening centers for each class, around $2,000 of Scholastic money to purchase books and audiobooks, helped with playground, helped with garden and flower supplies, Magic School Bus series and about 100 Bill Nye The Science Guy DVDs.  Mrs. Thomas is getting a list together from the teachers on items to purchase this coming year and that will be made known soon.  One example is 3rd and 4th would like to go to Medevial Times on a field trip.

Finance report to be finalized by Treasurer and President and posted to blog.

Ways to communicate with the PTO:  Denton Classical Academy PTO Facebook, DentonClassicalPTO.blogspot.com, School and PTO Calendar available through Google Docs soon, Remind Text messages from the PTO, Sign-up Genius, and email at dentonclassicalpto@gmail.com

The KING’S Men- The KING’S Men is a group of dads from DCA who have volunteered to be involved on campus to help with security as well as good role models for our children.  They will also be helping with other activities such as grilling and security during our Glow Run in November.  If you would like to join this group, please email Cody Brisendine at cody.d.brisendine@gmail.com

After School Clubs available-
Mondays- Dance Club for Kinder through 2nd Please contact www.ddatexas.com to register or call 214.643.6468.
Tuesdays- Drama Club Please email www.creativeafterschooltheatre.com
Wednesdays- Robotics Club  Register online at www.theallacademy.com
Thursdays-Lego Club-   Class size is limited and the deadline to register is tomorrow, Friday, Sept 2nd.  Please contact Angie Moffitt at angiemoffitt@gmail.com to sign up.  Also, Mud Runners Club- Today and next Thursday but after that, it will change days of the week to allow more to be involved.  Please contact Coach Butler to be on the email list.

4. New Business:
-Traffic issues regarding road construction email to be sent to DCA families.

-Add Budget for Teacher’s meetings- We want to encourage and support our 19 teachers and staff once a month during their monthly staff meetings.  This would be coordinated by the Teacher’s Appreciation Coordinator.  Cheryl Jones suggested combining money donations from the PTO budget as well as parents signing up to donate food each month.  Shantel Brisendine made a motion for $100 a month in the budget from the PTO funds.  PTO voted in affirmative for $100 a month budget for teacher appreciation.

Glow Run- This is our exciting event we have planned in November, 12tth at 6pm.  The time change will be the week before so it will be dark.  The KING’S Men will be all around the track for safety and the glow sticks will be for sale to make it fun for the kids.  There will not be vendors this year but we will have food for sale.   More volunteers are needed.  Cheryl is working on T-shirts.  Online registration website needed.  Samantha Phan to help with advertisement.

Ice Cream Social- Sept 9th from 6-7:30 pm at DCA. Come out and meet some of our AWESOME DCA families. Ice cream sundaes will be available for purchase! Needs volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean up.  $2 per serving.

Proposed fundraisers and year’s calendar-  In May the PTO sent out a survey to all the parents collecting ideas for fundraisers for the upcoming years.  The board considered them all and have narrowed it down to the following:
Fun Food Fridays to be done on the first Friday of the month, coordinated by Shantel. Money paid by Wed at 3pm and correct cash only.
Candy/Snack Bar Fundraiser- snacks to be sold to the teachers $1.
Jeans Fridays- Spirit shirts can be worn by all students on Fridays with uniform shorts.  However, for $1 a week or $35 for the whole year per student, they can wear jeans with their spirit shirt.  This money goes to families in our school that need help with uniforms, our school angel tree this Christmas, and any other needs that arise.
Kroger Community Rewards- to go on throughout the year from the parents that sign up.  Please see Angie for questions at angiemoffitt@gmail.com
Box Tops-  To be collected and turned in 2 times a year as a contest for the class.  The class with the most box tops can earn a class party.

September- Ice Cream Social to be held at DCA on Sept 9th from 6-7:30 with an emphasis on getting to know fellow DCA Families.
Oct- Fall Book Fair Oct 6-14, the dates are longer than the usual week because it covers over Oct. 10th, which is a school holiday.
-Free Dress Fundraiser on Oct 14th for $5, money collected by Wed. that week.
Nov- Glow Run Sat. Nov 12th, Check in starts at 5:30 pm.  More details to come.
Kinder Cap and Gown Fundraiser- Kinder parents to have a bake sale by the slice (single serving) for the Thanksgiving Feast, Thursday Nov. 17th.  This will be organized by the Room Mom and the desserts provided by the Kinder Parents.
Dec- Coffee in the Car-Line, 50 cents if you bring your cup or $1 if we provide the cup.  Date TBD.
Jan- Free Dress Fundraiser on Jan. 6th for $5, money collected by Wed. that week
- Family Bingo Night, date TBD.
Feb- World’s Finest Chocolates Fundraiser
Mar- Spring Book Fair March 6-10th
Apr- Family Dinner Night- location and date TBD
May- Coffee in the Car-Line, date TBD.
After no further questions Angie Moffitt made a motion to vote on the previously mentioned events as fundraisers for this year.   Vote was in agreement.

Committee Leader positions are as follows-  Room Parent Committee Leader-Tabitha Braxton, Book Fair Committee Leader Laurie Flandrau and Kevin Phan,  Glow Run Committee Leader Jelinda Mabe and Cheryl Jones, Silent Auction Committee Leader Samantha Pahn, Staff Appreciation Committee Leader Heather Spencer,  and Field Day Committee Leader Tami Wagner.
Contacts for the following events are as follows:
Fun Food Friday- Shantel Brisendine, the first Friday of the month, types of food TBD
Candy/Snack Bar Fundraiser- Kelly Eichelberger
Spirit/Jeans Friday- Kelly Eichelberger
Kroger Community Rewards- Angie Moffitt
Box Tops Coordinator will be Sherree’ Cooksey
Ice Cream Social- Shantel Brisendine
Oct and Jan Free Dress Fundraiser- Kelly Eichelberger
Kinder Cap and Gown Fundraiser- Kinder Room Moms

The following positions still need to be filled:
December/May Coffee in the Car Line-
Family Bingo Night in Jan-
World’s Finest Chocolates in Feb-
April Family Dinner Night- (this is a fundraiser at a restaurant or fast food place) 

The PTO Officers are working on establishing our Bylaws to be voted on the PTO next meeting.

6. Officers’ Reports:
President’s Report- Nothing to add
Vice President’s Report- Nothing to add

7. Director’s Report- Mrs. Thomas
Needs wooden benches made for outside- Doug McClure to follow up on this.

8. Announcements- upcoming PTO meetings will be from 6-7:00pm. Nov.3rd,  Feb. 2nd, and April 6th.  These are tentative dates and will be adjusted as needed.
-All parents present at PTO meetings have earned their child(ren) a free dress day the following Friday (Sept. 2nd)

9. Adjournment- Angie Moffit made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20pm, voted in agreement.