
Welcome to Denton Classical Academy's blog page. Around this site you will be able to find our upcoming PTO Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes from our previous meetings, PTO Calendar, important school links, Teacher/Staff Spotlights and more. All you need to do is signup with your email next to the Follow By Email portion below.

Friday, September 29, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

DCA Google Calendar

Google Calendar invitations have been sent to all PTO members on the PTO email list.  The invitations allow you access to view both the DCA PTO and DCA School calendars.  We hope everyone finds this new tool beneficial.

Please contact us at DentonClassicalAcademyPTO@gmail.com with any questions.

Monday, September 11, 2017

DCA Family Dinner 9/11/17

A quick reminder that DCA Family Dinner is TONIGHT between 4p-8p. We look forward to seeing you there.

2219 S. Loop 288
Suite #105
Denton, TX 76205
(940) 891-0861

Friday, September 8, 2017

August 2017 Budget Report

The following link is the August 2017 Budget Report as discussed in the 8/31/17 General PTO Meeting.


General PTO Minutes - 8/31/17

Denton Classical Academy PTO

PTO General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: 8/31/17
Meeting Location: The Commons
1. Call to Order- Tami Wagner 6:36 pm
Teachers and Staff present: Coach Butler, Mr. Leech, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs. Samatas, Ms. Cadenhead, and Mrs. Whitener.
Board Members Present:  Tami Wagner, Lucy Wood, Laurel Porter, Angie Moffitt, Shelly McClay.  35 total people present.

2. Minutes: Review of Minutes:  No changes made from last meeting.
3. Topics:
-Vote on Treasurer position-  Our previous treasurer has stepped down in May.  Laurel Porter has been interim over the summer but a vote by the General PTO is needed to make an official election.  No one else expressed an interest in the Treasurer’s position. Tami made a motion to elect Laurel Porter as Treasurer, voted in agreement.

-Coach Butler:  Lego League and Lego Jr., combines Robotics and Legos in a competition form.  6-10 year olds.  Teams can be 2-8 participants.  Hydrodynamic is the theme of the challenge this year.  This would be an after school program.  Price per student depends on the number of students that sign up.

-Samantha Sohn:  See You At The Pole (SYAYP) Sept 27th, from  7- 7:30am.  All parents, Grandparents, teachers, and staff are invited to meet at our school’s flagpole to pray for our school and nation.

-Budget Report/update:  See Hand-out for:  16-17 School year purchases, current August report, and vote on Proposed budget for 17-18 School year.

-Vote on Mission Statement, Vision, and Purpose of the PTO.
PTO’s Mission
  • To make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

PTO’s Vision
  • Every child’s potential is a reality.
The Purpose of PTO
  • To promote the welfare of children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship;
  • To raise the standards of home life;
  • To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth;
  • To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth;
  • To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.
Angie made a motion to approve the above Mission Statement, Vision, and Purpose.  All in agreement.

-PTO Communications with parents-see hand-out

-Proposed Calendar with Fundraisers and Events for this year.  Also introducing Google Calendar to the PTO.- see hand-out

-PTO Directory: Names (first name and last initial), Email, and possibly cell numbers.  Plan to avoid addresses for now.  This will allow parents to communicate with other parents in their child’s classroom for birthday parties or playdates.  May do advertisements to help pay for Directory.  May have students have contest to design the cover as well as help with the book. Looking for someone to help put this together.

-Yearbook Coordinator update:  Raeshel Parker, due to growth of the school, she could now use a committee to help gather pictures and prepare the layout.  Art contest and completed by Dec 1st.  Probably need to submit book about April 19th to get book in by the end of the year.

-Open positions to volunteer:
Ice Cream Social Coordinator, Fun Food Friday Coordinator, Family BINGO Night,
Lunch Time Helpers, Copy Parents, and Home Room Parents.

-Forms of payment available this year:  The Square will be available to swipe your card at all PTO meetings and functions as well as at the office.  It will take Debit, Credit etc for a transaction fee.  When taking payment online, our top choices are Paypal which charges 3% transaction fee on all transactions, or an app ran by Paypal called Venmo which does not have a transaction fee unless you use a credit card, then it charges you 3%.   Tami made a motion to use Venmo, all in agreement.

-After School Club updates:
Lego Club is full. Chess Club registration for 3-5th Grades ends tonight.  Dance Club still open for a boys and a girl’s class.

-North Texas Giving Day 9-14-17
North Texas Giving Day is an opportunity for parents and grandparents to donate directly to their school to help with needed items without the hassle of traditional fundraisers.    The following are items that the teachers and staff has asked the PTO to help provide through this event are:  Color printer, sports equipment, items for school store, acoustic sound panels for the portables, playground equipment, and more computers.  Please see newsletters for further details and links.

6. Officers’ Reports: No further comment.
President’s Report- No further comment.
Vice President’s Report- No further comment.
Treasurer’s Report- No further comment.
7. Director’s Report- PBIS Rewards (school-wide reward program).  The hand-out for this came home in their folders today.
There was no time for the following topics.  Please see newsletters for details. House Cup (attendance), Golden Spatula (lunch), Flex Time & Mentoring Minds (3rd-5th), STAAR date changes from original school calendar
8. Announcements No further announcements.

9. Adjournment: Tami Wagner made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm.  All in agreement.