- Denton Classical Academy PTO
- Welcome to Denton Classical Academy's blog page. Around this site you will be able to find our upcoming PTO Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes from our previous meetings, PTO Calendar, important school links, Teacher/Staff Spotlights and more. All you need to do is signup with your email next to the Follow By Email portion below.
Thursday, October 19, 2017
September 2017 Budget Report
The following link is the September 2017 Budget Report as discussed in the 10/5/17 General PTO Meeting.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
General PTO Minutes - 10/5/17
Denton Classical Academy PTO
PTO General Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: Oct 5th, 2017
Meeting Location: DCA The Commons
1. Call to Order- Tami Wagner at 6:36pm.Teacher’s present are D. Samatas, Susan Thomas, A. Sherrod, O. Blackmon, and J. Jones. There were about 19 total present.
2. Minutes: Review of minutes from 8-31-17. No changes made.
3. Update Previous Business-
- Budget Report- see hand-outs
- Updated Projected Spending/Fundraising:
- North Texas Giving Day brought in $4715 plus bonus funds which should put us at $4850.
- Requested Color Printer/Copier $300
- Requested PE Equipment $1182
- Parent Booster Renewal for 2018 $270.00 (early renewal discount)
- Monthly supplies $75- One teacher has brought up purchasing Norwex mopping system to replace our current Swiffer system. The parents were not ready to vote on this yet, wanting more research/ comparison shopping done first.
- Culligan Water-monthly $80 - 960/year
- Teacher gifts($50 per teacher per year) only have 13 have joined, not including Jones - $650
- PTO meeting child care ($40/per meeting x 4) $160
- Mrs. Jones Teacher Liason Stipend $200
- Vo l u n t e e r Lu n c h e o n $500
- Spring Carnival $2,000? Tami made a motion to Table this item for now due to lack of space, funds, and volunteers.
- PTO liability insurance $850.00
- C h e s s C l u b $250 - has paid for itself
- Lego Club $75 - has paid for itself
- BoxTops $100 - will pay for itself
- Fall Book Fair Coordination $500 (we spent about $40 since Mr Garretson bought the teacher lunch)
- Spring Book Fair Coordination $500(can decrease in order to save)
- Petty Cash fund for front office $50 (not usually 50/month)
- Teacher appreciation - $500
- Total Proposed, not counting new requests: $6472
The PTO compared Giving Day Funds to our proposed Budget and discussed how to delegate the funds and voted to add two more fundraisers for now including selling World’s Finest Chocolates (made $2500 last year) chocolates to help start Lego League and $5 Free Dress day quarterly to help purchase more PE Equipment.
Other possible fundraisers discussed was Krispy Kreme (made $642 last year).
Update on Lego League Prices- Vote on how much money to use to start up this program. Coach Butler presented the following via email:
We have 30 people interested in lego league. that is 5 teams.
4 lego league jr. at $99 which is $396 for all 4 registration and 1 first lego
league team at $225 for registration. If everyone pays $22.50, that will cover
registration leaving PTO to pay for the parts.
parts all together cost:
for first lego league
for two sets for lego league jr.
total of $1044.85.
I think we should make the registration fees made out to the PTO so we can get
the tax exempt status.
Tami made a motion to use up to $1500 to start up Lego League and to go ahead and have the parents pay $25 registration fees for their students to help with start up costs. All in favor.
Angie made a motion for World’s Finest Chocolates Fundraiser in Feb. to help pay back the PTO. All Lego League students will sell plus any other students that want to sell it. All in agreement.
$5 Free Dress Fundraiser done Quarterly. Amber Fenton made a motion. All in agreement.
Google Calendar- Questions/comments regarding it’s use.
No questions at this time. Several parents reported good feedback.
Volunteer still needed to organize BINGO night. Mrs. Thomas made a recommendation to have free prizes offered by the school as well as email families if they wanted to make any donations. All in agreement. The board agreed to help do set-up. Bingo Night will be at our school in The Commons.
4. New Business
Vote on Thanksgiving Vendor- Tami made a motion to look into vendors to get best deal for our school. All in agreement. Marc Moffitt agreed to do some research.
Vote on Spring Fling Carnival- this item has been tabled for now.
Vote on Teacher Stamps- See request sheet for details. Pam Parks made a motion to purchase about $230 worth of stamps for the teachers. All in agreement.
5. Director’s Report-
- PBIS is going well. Let students look at their points at home on your phone. Minor Referral is simply a documentation of something that happened in class, similar to notes in folders. Major referral is more like a previous “Office Referral”.
- Parent-Teacher Conferences are next week and are mandatory so do you best to schedule it.
- Kudos about teachers can be emailed to Mrs. Thomas and she will pass it along to the teachers to help encourage them for a job well done.
- Teachers can also earn PBIS Rewards Points and parents can volunteer their time to give the teacher a break during recess to allow them to get caught up on work or actually eat their lunch.
6. Announcements- no further announcements.
7. Adjournment - Tami made a motion to adjourn at 7:53pm. All in favor.
Monday, October 2, 2017
PTO General Meeting Agenda 10-5-17
Denton Classical Academy PTO
PTO General Meeting Agenda
Meeting Date: Oct 5th, 2017
Meeting Location: DCA The Commons
1. Call to Order- Name and time
2. Minutes: Review of minutes from mm/dd/yy meeting
3. Update Previous Business-
Budget Report-
Compare Giving Day Funds to our proposed Budget to decide how to delegate the funds and vote on whether to add one or two more fundraisers such as selling chocolates or donuts to help us meet our goals.
Update on Lego League Prices- Vote on how much money to use to start up this program.
Google Calendar- Questions/comments regarding it’s use.
Volunteer still needed to organize BINGO night or it will be cancelled.
4. New Business
Vote on Thanksgiving Vendor-
Vote on Spring Fling Carnival and determine committee leader, if applicable-
Vote on Teacher Stamps-
5. Director’s Report-
6. Announcements
7. Adjournment
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