
Welcome to Denton Classical Academy's blog page. Around this site you will be able to find our upcoming PTO Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes from our previous meetings, PTO Calendar, important school links, Teacher/Staff Spotlights and more. All you need to do is signup with your email next to the Follow By Email portion below.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

General PTO Minutes 4-6-17

               Denton Classical Academy
General PTO Minutes
Meeting Date: April 6, 2017
Meeting Location: The Commons, DCA

1. Call to Order- Shantel calls the meeting to order, at 6:16 pm.
Teachers/Staff present are Susan Thomas and Mrs. Jones.
There were ? number of parents present for this meeting.

2. Minutes: Shantel made a motion to approve previous meetings minutes with no adjustments.  All in agreement.

3. Update Previous Business-

-April Budget Report Hand-out:  Kelly

-PTO Purchases so far this school year:  Mrs. Thomas- Snacks/treats for staff meetings every month, paint for The Commons to be done this summer, Microphone and speakers, Habitat Kit and Live frogs for Mr. Leech, Mini Dry Erase Boards for Mrs. Wilson, Plants/Flowers to be purchased for the front of the school by Coach Butler, 1900 Scholastic dollars to be used for 1st and 2nd grade dictionaries, 3rd grade dictionaries, pocket dictionaries for 3rd and 4th grade room, 3 sets of head phones for each of the rooms, and Children’s Thesaurus.

- Spring Book Fair will be going from April 3rd-7th, , online through April 11th.

-Family Bingo Night scheduled for Friday, April 28th at Lifeline Church.  This is a very Family Friendly event and is open to the community.  Flyers will be emailed out and copies can be passed out to friends/neighbors.

-World’s Greatest Chocolate- some are left over and are still for sale.  They will also be sold with Coffee in the Car line, which will be Thursday, May 18th from 7:30-8 am. $1 a Chocolate bar, $1 a cup of Starbucks coffee or .50 cents if you bring your own cup.

Field Day: Tami Wagner-  Friday, May 26th  “Survivor Theme”.  Each class has a different colored, shirts will be provided by the Activity Fund.  Classes will come up with Team Name and decorate a flag.   Working on having volunteers from a local high school to help run the events so that parents can have fun with their children.  Lunch info TBD.

- Activity Fund for 17-18 School Year: As of 3-2-17, our Activity Fund Balance was $9,793.53.  Items still pending for this school year include:  about $2600 for field trips, $1500 Field Day, $900 Teacher Appreciation week, $800 End of the year celebrations, $500 Book Fair.  Tami Wagner is coordinating our Volunteer Luncheon for May 11th, she estimates it to cost about $500.  According to our predicted spending for the remainder of the year, the Activity Fund may have a little over $2,000 unspent. Angie made a motion to spend the unused Activity Fund money to help pay for the PA system.  Voted in agreement.

-PA System update:  Mrs Thomas presented a proposal to use $5000 PTO funds and $1700 from unrestricted funds she has to purchase PA system.  This system would include 15 units and total cost will be about $6500.  Please see attachment for an itemized list of purchase.  Angie made a motion to spend the unused Activity Fund money to help pay for the PA system.  Then will pay the remainder of about $3,000 from the PTO checking account.  Voted in agreement. 

4. New Business

-Mrs. Jones requested water cooler for teachers.

-Teacher Lounge Supplies Needed- Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, Swiffer supplies etc.  Shantel made a motion to set a monthly budget of $75 to help pay for a water cooler and any needed Teacher Lounge/Kitchen supplies.

- Paypal:  For your convenience, the PTO is now allowing you to pay for items through Paypal, either online or through your phone app. You will just need to look up the PTO with their email:  dentonclassicalpto@gmail.com.  Please specify your child (children’s) names, how much you want to pay and the purpose of the money.

-Empty Board Seats to be voted on:  President, Vice-President, and Public Relations (formerly Communications Officer and Volunteer Coordinator).
Angie made a motion for Tami Wagner to be elected as President.  All in agreement.
Angie made a motion for Lucy Wood to be elected as Vice-President.  All in agreement.
Shantel made a motion for Shelly McClay to be elected as Public Relations.  All in agreement.

-Teacher Appreciation is set to be May 1st-May 5th.  Those dates conflict with FFF and Volunteer Luncheon.  FFF will be moved to May 12th and the Volunteer Luncheon will be on Thursday, May 11th. 

-Proposed Fundraisers for the 17-18 School Year:  The Board proposes some big changes and focus for next year’s fundraisers to hopefully take stress off our families and allow more focus on our students and families.
 Minimal Volunteers Needed-
 Pre-packaged school supplies (more info soon), Ice Cream Social in Sept to welcome new families,Fun Food Fridays once a month, Coffee in the car line, Family Bingo Night, Kroger Rewards, Amazon Smile (still getting set up), Box Tops, Jeans Fridays for $1 each Friday.  Focus Events- National Giving Day November 29th, Spring Fling (carnival type event) with a Silent Auction, Fall and Spring Book Fairs possibly.

- Summer Socials Ideas:  This provides a place for the kids to see their friends over the summer.  (ie. Indoor popcorn/movie night, bowling, meet up at the park, etc)  One will be in June and one in July.
Skate night in Denton, Eureka Park, or movie night at the school were the top three picks.  Details TBD.

- Lucy Wood to help the front office to organize our annual Uniform Exchange/Swap this Summer. Details to come.

-Proposed Budget for 17-18 School Year- Kelly  Angie made a motion to wait on this item until the end of the school year to be able to set a more accurate budget for the 17-18 school year.  This will be moved until the August/Sept General PTO meeting.

6. Officers’ Reports:
President’s Report- nothing to add
Vice President’s Report-  nothing else to add
 Director’s Report- nothing else to add
7. Adjournment at 7:33 pm Shantel made a motion to adjourn.  All in favor.

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