Ms. Sara Wilson
Birthday? July 12
Hometown? Taft, CA
Current Denton Classical position? 3rd / 4th
Grade Math
Where did you attend College and what is your
Wayland Baptist University - Lubbock Campus
BSOE / Masters of Education
Do you have children? 2 Adult Children
/ 2 Fabulous Grandchildren
Do you have pets? 1 black lab named Lucy - 15
years old
Do you have a favorite Quote or Saying?
I've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them
feel. Maya Angelou
Where is the farthest place you have ever traveled?
Favorite food? Mexican Food!!!
Hobbies or Activities/organizations you are active
in? Grandkids!
What is the weirdest job you have ever had?
Worked for Census Bureau going door-to-door collecting surveys - rode a moped
around town!
Favorite Book?
You Are Special by Max Lucado (The Wemmicks)
Love ms. Wilson! What cuties!