
Welcome to Denton Classical Academy's blog page. Around this site you will be able to find our upcoming PTO Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes from our previous meetings, PTO Calendar, important school links, Teacher/Staff Spotlights and more. All you need to do is signup with your email next to the Follow By Email portion below.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

PTO General Meeting Agenda 8-31-17

Denton Classical Academy PTO

PTO General Meeting Agenda
Meeting Date: 8/31/17
Meeting Location: The Commons
1. Call to Order- Name and time
2. Minutes: Review of minutes from 4/6/2017 meeting
3. Topics:
-Vote on Treasurer position-  Our previous treasurer has stepped down in May.  Laurel Porter has been interim over the summer but a vote by the General PTO is needed to make an official election.  Laurel has agreed to stay on as Treasurer if voted in, however, if anyone else is interested, please notify the PTO Board before the meeting.

-Budget Report/update:  16-17 School year purchases, current August report, and vote on Proposed budget for 17-18 School year.

-Vote on Mission Statement, Vision, and Purpose of the PTO.

-PTO Communications with parents (Shelly)

-Proposed Calendar with Fundraisers and Events for this year.  Also introducing Google Calendar to the PTO.

-PTO Directory

-Yearbook Coordinator update:  Raeshel Parker

-Open positions to volunteer

-Forms of payment available this year:

-After School Club updates:
6. Officers’ Reports:
President’s Report-
Vice President’s Report-
Treasurer’s Report-
7. Director’s Report- PBIS Rewards (school-wide reward program), House Cup (attendance), Golden Spatula (lunch), Flex Time & Mentoring Minds (3rd-5th), STAAR date changes from original school calendar
8. Announcements

9. Adjournment

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

It's almost here..... Meet the Teacher is TOMORROW!  Are you as excited as we are?

PTO could use a few volunteers to assist with the various booths during tomorrow's event. Please email us at DentonClassicalPTO@gmail.com if you can help out anytime between 2:00pm and 7:30pm.  

Thanks in advance.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Meet The Teacher 2017

PTO is looking for volunteers to assist with Meet The Teacher on Thursday, August 17th. Please email us if you can help out anytime between 2:30pm and 7:30pm. Thanks in advance.
