
Welcome to Denton Classical Academy's blog page. Around this site you will be able to find our upcoming PTO Meeting Agenda, Meeting Minutes from our previous meetings, PTO Calendar, important school links, Teacher/Staff Spotlights and more. All you need to do is signup with your email next to the Follow By Email portion below.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

April Teacher/Staff Spotlight

Lloyd L. "Renn" Leech IV

October 18
San Antonio, TX
Current Denton Classical position?  
3rd & 4th Grade Science & Social Studies Teacher / Campus Testing Coordinator 
Where did you attend College and what is your degree(s)?  
University of North Texas, B.A., Sociology 
University of Arlington, M.Ed, Educational Administration (December 2017)

Do you have children?  
 2 boys, 14 & 17
Do you have pets? 
Not at this time but soon!
Do you have a favorite Quote or Saying?  
 "All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then can't hurt." -Charles M. Schulz 
Where is the farthest place you have ever traveled?  
Outside the United States: Cancun, Mexico
Favorite food?  
Mexican Food
Hobbies or Activities/organizations you are active in?  
I volunteer for my local police department. I also enjoy going out to eat and to the movies with my sons.
What is the weirdest job you have ever had?
Nothing weird but I sold athletic shoes in high school!
Favorite Book?
I love reading the Chicken Soup for the Soul series when I need some inspiration.

PTO Board Member Job Descriptions

Board Member Job Descriptions:
(Last Edited in March 2017)

-Schedule meetings
-Assist board members, and organize committee leaders duties
-Meet with school director at least once a month for school/PTO updates
-Fill other jobs as needed

-Stand in for President when necessary
-Organize big fundraiser for the year (run/carnival/giving week)
-Oversee other fundraisers
-Assign committee leaders for fundraisers

-Organize and keep records of all meetings
- Keep up to date record of PTO Members
-Make sure bylaws are being followed
-Keep file cabinet up to date, and organized
-Enter  PTO email subscribers into gmail account

-Give monthly financial reports
-Give yearly financial report
-Handle all reimbursements, must be approved by president
-Make sure all accounts stay up to date, and pay open accounts in a timely manner
-File Taxes
-Assure all IRS forms are correct and accounted for
-Make sure funds needed at the school are dropped off in a timely manner
-Write checks and money orders for field trips

Volunteer Coordinator:
-Recruit volunteers for necessary events
-Track volunteer hours
- Organize volunteer luncheon
- Send out Monthly emails to PTO subscribers
- Manage social media accounts

PTO General Meeting Agenda 4-6-17

               Denton Classical Academy
General PTO Agenda
Meeting Date: April 6, 2017              Meeting Location: The Commons, DCA

1. Call to Order- Name and time

2. Minutes: Review of minutes from mm/dd/yy meeting

3. Update Previous Business-
-April Budget Report Hand-out:  Kelly

- PTO Purchases so far this school year:  Mrs. Thomas

- Spring Book Fair will be going from April 3rd-7th

-Family Bingo Night scheduled for Friday, April 28th.

-Coffee in the Car line will be Thursday, May 18th from 7:30-8 am.

-Field Day:  Tami

- Activity Fund for 17-18 School Year:

-PA System update:  Mrs. Thomas, see hand-out

4. New Business
- Paypal:  For your convenience, the PTO is now allowing you to pay for items through Paypal, either online or through your phone app. You will just need to look up the PTO with their email:  dentonclassicalpto@gmail.com, then select Send Money.  Please specify your child (children’s) names, how much you want to pay and the purpose of the money.

-Empty Board Seats to be voted on:  President, Vice-President, and Volunteer Coordinator.

-Proposed Fundraisers for the 17-18 School Year:  The Board will be proposing some big changes and focus for next year’s fundraisers that should take stress off our families and allow more focus on our students and families. Please see hand-out by Angie.

-Summer Socials ideas:  This provides a place for the kids to see their friends over the summer.  (ie. Indoor popcorn/movie night, bowling, meet up at the park, etc)

- Uniform Exchange/Swap during Summer Packet Pickup

-Proposed Budget for 17-18 School Year- please see hand-out by Kelly

6. Officers’ Reports:
President’s Report-
Vice President’s Report- 
 Director’s Report-

8. Announcements

9. Adjournment